Learn more about our brand new programmes focused on Machine Learning, AI and Data Science for managers and join our online information session on May 4, 17:00
Our three new courses are designed for managers. The aim is to provide executive students with a thorough understanding of modern methods, that are about to shape the (business) world. No programming knowledge is required.
The CAS Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Programme offers a profound overview of data driven methods without relying on technical prerequisites, statistical notation or coding software and tools. By democratizing quantitative methods, experienced practitioners and academics teach you state of-the-art methods in data analytics, artificial intelligence, simulations, and impact evaluation in a hands-on manner. Numerous practical examples illustrate the relevance of the methods taught.
The CAS Data-driven Business Models Programme aims to provide managers on the one hand with a thorough understanding of modern tools and methods, on the other hand to cover conceptual background knowledge on how to identify and implement new data driven business models. The CAS Programme will be taught by top practitioners and academics.
Finally, the 6-day Training Data Science for managers provides a non-technical introduction into the most relevant aspects of artificial intelligence and business analytics. By a combination of lectures, case studies, exercises and interactive discussions participants learn how to analyse and interpret data.
If you have any questions about these courses, do not hesitate to join the online information session on Zoom on Thursday 4 May from 17:00 to 17:30. You can subscribe by sending us an email or by checking out this LinkedIn page.