Our Training “Data Science for managers” provides a non-technical introduction into the most relevant aspects of artificial intelligence and business analytics. By a combination of lecturettes, case studies, exercises and interactive discussions participants learn how to analyse and interpret data. We will rely on easy-to-use tools to analyse data, that is, we do not expect participants to be able to program or to code.
The aim is to provide executive students with a quick but thorough understanding of modern methods, that are about to shape the (business) world. The target group of this executive training are professionals that want to learn about potential applications of AI and that want to improve their decision making skills. Participants receive at the end of this training a course certificate of participation.
What you can expect
■ to understand how to use AI and business analytics for effective decision-making
■ to be enabled to effectively communicate with data scientists within your own organization
■ to be enabled to identify opportunities for new data-driven business models
■ to learn how to apply statistical concepts with easy-to-use tools
Course location: iimt – University of Fribourg
Tuition Fee: CHF 3’900.-
Language: English
Face-to-face or hybrid learning
Starting in September 2023
3 modules all-in-all
6-Days training
No Examination
No final Thesis required
Your Training
Tous les cours ont une vision intégrée et sont organisés autour de domaines stratégiques, dont le développement a été identifié par les employeurs et les experts économiques comme des éléments de base d’un management réussi.
The Training Data Science for managers consists of 3 different modules, 2 of them are mandatory:
Vous pouvez choisir un module optionnel:
The iimt Experience
Environnement international & Réseautage
Les experts éminents et leaders offrent la possibilité de développer le réseau des participants sur 3 niveaux: étudiants, enseignants, et l’institut avec le réseau des alumni de l’iimt.
Une expérience unique
Des méthodes d’enseignements interactives combinent les connaissance théoriques et une approche pratique.
Training Certificate
Upon completion, each participant will receive a certificate for all the completed modules.
Lieu des cours:
iimt Université de Fribourg
Langue des cours:
No examination required for completing the Executive Training and receiving a course certificate.
However, an successful examination is required if the participant wishes to obtain ECTS for his/her participation in the module.
Admission Requirements:
2 years professional experience, licence (Bachelor/Master) recognised from a University or University of Applied Sciences or other diploma recognised as equivalent (candidates may be admitted “sur dossier”).
Des professeurs et conférenciers de renom s’appuyent sur un solide bagage universitaire et une expérience pratique en entreprise pour offrir aux étudiants la formation la plus avancée qui soit.
Industry Experts
Amir Tabakovic – Strategist, Innovator, Investor in ML Technology, Chair of Expert Group Data Privacy and AI at Mobey Forum, Guest lecturer at ICEMD and ESADE
Dr. Christopher Bruffaerts, Head of AI Exploitation & Innovation at Sunrise Communications AG
Academic Professors
Prof. Dr. Michael Burkert, University of Fribourg
Prof. Dr. Martin Huber, University of Fribourg