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How innovative is the Swiss utility sector?
The Swiss utility sector is in transition. The national electricity market is gradually deregulated and new players will continuously enter the market.
The customers’ behaviour driven shift in consumption, new technologies and digitalisation will change existing processes and structures significantly. To such a new situation Swiss utility companies need to rethink their products and services radically. A declared intention for innovation and a seeking of innovation potentials will be the success factor for short and long term business permanently. Existing business models need to be reviewed and renewed.
The objective of the study is to create an overview of the innovation capacities of swiss utility companies. To this end, 16 experts interviews were conducted with members of the management and strategy, from 12 Swiss electricity companies. To validate the testimony of experts, an online test on fitness innovation was conducted among employees of the same companies.
Order the study results (.pdf file), and read how innovative the Swiss utility sector is. The study is now available at the special price of CHF 50.- instead of CHF 250.-. Don’t miss this opportunity!